Priceline 購物程序

2006-12-13 6:53 pm
如果我想響 priceline 買野,要咩程序同手續架?

er... 係咪可以自己提出要搵既野架? 不過好似話,如果有人提供合適既野 (達到所有要求,包括目標價), 就唔可以取消交易架喎. 係咪真架?

回答 (1)

2006-12-13 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Register your profile
2) Sign in
3) Choose the product that you want to buy
4) Provide your travel details
5) Name your own price
6) Submit your credit card number
7) You will receive an email to confirm your booking is success or not

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