
2006-12-13 2:36 pm
- We wish to point out that (any???) contract amendments (must/should???) require the agreement of both parties.
- Ms. Burns, we (have/had???) made the changes you asked for.
- "If there are not something to change", let's go ahead and sign the contract. 怪怪地,改寫"..."部份
- I'm glad that we've agreed on the terms after repeated (negotiation/negotiations???), and I hope that it will lead us to (other???) further business (cooperation/cooperations???).

還有: - our next job is to see if this contract (can be/could be???) carried out smoothly. - 求"I hope so"的alternatives. - I hope everything will be satisfactory (in/at???) the end.

回答 (1)

2006-12-13 3:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, with referring to your interesting question, I have some answers,

- We wish to point out that all contract amendments should require the agreement of both parties.
- Ms. Burns, we have made the changes you asked for.
- If there are nothing to change, let's go ahead and sign the contract.
- I'm glad that we've agreed on the terms after repeated negotiations, and I hope that it will lead us to further business coorperations.

- Our next job is to see if this contract could be carried out smoothly.
- "I hope so" = "I wish"
- I hope everything will be satisfactory at the end.

P.S. I hope this might help ya ~! ( the above were my personal opinions )

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