結他考試(scale 一問)

2006-12-13 8:33 am
考官問 dominant sevenths..
key of A (2 octacves)

乜野係dominant sevenths, 係咪一個scale?
如果係, 係板上面個樣係點?
y key of A 係 starting on E?

回答 (2)

2006-12-13 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
冇錯, dominant 7th 係scales之一

A major數上去第5個音就係dominant
而dominant 7th 就係minor 3rd加第7個音

彈出黎就係E, G, Bb, C#, E
2006-12-13 7:36 pm
Tonic=主音, Dominant=屬音, 在主音上方五度的音
Tonic主和弦 I
Dominant 屬和弦 V, Dominant Seventh屬七和弦 V7
A大調的屬七和弦 = E7 = E G B D
通常註明starting on notes E and resolving on the tonic (two octaves)

所以是e, g#, b, d1, e1, g#1, b1, d1, e1, d1, b1, g#1, e1, d1, b, g#, a

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