
2006-12-13 10:01 pm


回答 (2)

2006-12-13 10:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To whom it may concerns,
It's the end of a year again. We sincerely thank you for your support and patronage for our company, and also wish that you will keep on supporting us in the coming year. In appreciation of the support from all our customers, we will promote a series of product discount sale from 12/15 through 1/15. There are no minimal order qualifications for those discount products. Therefore, we invite you to take advantage of the special discount prices and make orders while supplies last during the promotion. Inquiry mails are always welcomed.

2006-12-13 14:54:12 補充:
concern 多打了 "s", 特此訂正.
2006-12-13 10:45 pm
To whom it may concern,

It has come to this time of year again. Thank you for using and supporting our production this year. We hope you will continue on supporting and advising us for the next year. We will have a series product promotion from 12/15 to 1/15 as a thank you for your support. There is no minimun order to any of our promotions. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

2006-12-13 14:47:37 補充:
不是 production, 應該是 product 才對
參考: myself

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