有關內容 The Princess Diaries

2006-12-13 7:21 am
1. All American Girl
2. Victoria and the Rogue
3. The Princess Diaries Six Sational
4. Nicola and the Viscount
係Meg Cabot寫的
是The Princess Diaries 系列

回答 (2)

2006-12-26 11:18 am
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The Princess Diaries is a chick-lit series written by Meg Cabot. The first volume, with the same title, was published in 2000. Unlike most novels, those in The Princess Diaries series are not sorted into chapters, but journal entries of varying lengths.

Mia 是由她的寬宏藝術家母親Helen 培養在格林威治 村莊 的一個高, 社會上 笨拙少年, 曼哈頓。她父母安排一份摘要扔和分離在她出生之前; 她看見她的父親Phillipe Renaldo, 她被告訴是 Genovian 政客, 主要當她度過每個夏天在她的 grandm2ere (祖母) Clarisse 的 法國 大別墅, Miragnac 。

Mia 的世界被投擲的上部當她的父親, 最近接受治療為 睪丸癌症, 找到他無法有孩子-- 因為他真正地 是 Artur Cristoff Gerard Grimaldi Renaldo 王子Genovia, 並且他通知她因為他無法生產其它承繼人, 她 現在是Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, 殿下, Genovia 的公主。

Mia 對這新聞容易地不調整; 但她一定反對她的父親通知她她必須現在搬走向Genovia 學會是公主。最終, Grandm2ere 決定來到 美國 提供"她的父親提供支付她的公主教訓," 。Mia declines, 但改為問, 她的父親捐贈一百美元每天對 Greenpeace
Mia is a tall, socially awkward teenager who was raised by her liberal artist mother Helen in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. Her parents had a brief fling and separated before she was born; she sees her father Phillipe Renaldo, whom she is told is a Genovian politician, mostly when she spends every summer at her grandmère (grandmother) Clarisse's French chateau, Miragnac.

Mia's world is thrown upside down when her father, who recently underwent treatment for testicular cancer, finds out he cannot have any more children--because he is really Prince Artur Cristoff Gerard Grimaldi Renaldo of Genovia, and he informs her that since he cannot produce another heir, she is now Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Her Royal Highness, the princess of Genovia.

Mia does not adjust to this news easily; but she certainly objects when her father informs her she must now move to Genovia to learn to be a princess. Eventually, Grandmère decides to come to America to provide "princess lessons," which her father offers to pay her for. Mia declines, but asks instead that her father donate a hundred dollars a day to Greenpeace.
Mia Thermopolis - Mia is a vegetarian and animal-rights activist who cares deeply about the environment. She often laments her looks; she says she has triangular, "dishwater blond" hair, "a really big mouth and no breasts and feet that look like skis," and that at 5'9" she is the tallest girl in her class, which she does not appreciate. According to her outspoken best friend Lilly Moscovitz, her "only attractive feature" is her gray eyes. Mia often struggles to understand her new role in the world as princess of Genovia. She prefers to wear combat boots and overalls, though she wears a uniform to school. She speaks French very well due to speaking it with her grandmère from a very young age, though she sometimes humorously mistakes synonymous words for one another, such as poulet ("chicken"/"prostitute"). Though Mia is often doing something inappropriate or mortifying, in the end she learns from her mistakes. She is known for biting her nails, obsessing over her cat Fat Louie (whom she admits to loving the most in the world), being concerned about her life to an exaggerated degree, and writing in her diary whenever she can. After receiving the news about being a princess, she also receives her own bodyguard, Lars.

I hope these will help you
參考: Answers.com
2006-12-14 12:19 am
She knew her background when she was 15 years because at that year her original father was dead. She did not know who her father is because her mother did not want her to know until her 18 years. When her father died, her grandmother was looking for to take over the country.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:18:15
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