Which city is the capital of Bangladesh

2006-12-13 6:15 am
Which city is the capital of Bangladesh?? Please!!
5 marks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

回答 (3)

2006-12-13 6:18 am
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Dhaka is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. With its colorful history and rich cultural traditions, Dhaka is known the world over as the city of mosques and muslin. Its fame attracted travelers from far and near throughout the ages. Today it has grown into a mega city of about 8.5 million people, with an area of about 1353 sq. km. becoming the hub of the nation's industrial, commercial, cultural, educational and political activities.

Dhaka is located in the geographic center of the country. It is in the great deltaic region of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. The city is within the monsoon climate zone, with an annual average temperature of 25 deg C (77 deg F) and monthly means varying between 18 deg C (64 deg F) in January and 29 deg C (84 deg F) in August. Nearly 80% of the annual average rainfall of 1,854 mm (73 in) occurs between May and September.

Dhaka is located in one of the world's leading rice- and jute-growing regions. Its industries include textiles (jute, muslin, cotton) and food processing, especially rice milling. A variety of other consumer goods are also manufactured here. The Muslim influence is reflected in the more than 700 mosques and historic buildings found throughout the city. The University of Dhaka (1921) and several technical schools and museums are located here.

2006-12-12 22:32:53 補充:
孟加拉國首都達卡(Dhaka)位於恒河三角洲布裏甘加河的北岸。這裏氣候溫暖濕潤,雨季時雨量為2500毫米。市內和郊區到處是香蕉樹、芒果林和其他各種各樣的樹木。 達卡是1608年由莫臥兒帝國孟加拉總督蘇貝達·伊斯蘭汗所建,1765年淪於英國之手。1905-1912年為東孟加拉和阿薩姆省首府。1947年成為東巴基斯坦首府。1971年成為孟加拉國首都。
2006-12-13 6:22 am
2006-12-13 6:18 am
達卡 (Dhaka)

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