
2006-12-13 6:12 am
我想知一開頭會講: Hello! I am XXX or hello! It is XXX

回答 (4)

2006-12-13 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在接電話的時候,說"This is John"比較"I am John"有禮貎。另外一個回答者說的"John's speaking"也可以。在問對方的名稱時,有禮的問發是: Who is it? 而非Who are you?
2006-12-13 9:05 pm
Hello, this is John speaking. (不可說 it is John speaking)
may I know who's on the line please?
I want to speak to Alice, is she around?
can I leave a message?
please ask her to call me when she comes back, thank you.
2006-12-13 6:35 am
其實好簡單, 一開頭就話「hello, xxx speaking!」(xxx = 你個名)

嘩!!! 呢種對答, 小學都教過啦......!!!
2006-12-13 6:22 am
"Hello! I am XXX or hello! It is XXX "
其實意思上是沒有分別的, 只係講的形式唔同
電話conversation係好informal, 語氣輕輕鬆鬆好似普通傾計咁~
參考: 自己

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