西班牙 歌~

2006-12-13 5:25 am
一次幾會下, 聽到一首西班牙歌, 一把好豆沙的男沙聲, 歌曲好易聽o下,
應該係 d tango / jazz 既歌曲, 各位有無 idea ar?, 好想搵反黎聽~

Tile / Artist / ablum 我完全唔知~

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
好可能是 Luis Miguel 唱, 佢d歌正到爆.

Album: Romances

2006-12-14 05:26:01 補充:
There are a lot of his video clips, try this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoySurrl6Gk&mode=related&search=
參考: My Spanish collections
2006-12-14 12:25 pm
It would be" Frankie J"
He sings in both english and spainish.
The following video is one of his spainish version of "More than words" ( One of my faves)


Hope he is the singer that your looking for.

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