Win32/Hupigon trojan 一問....幫幫手,10分

2006-12-13 2:23 am
中左Win32/Hupigon trojan,一開機nod32就話有呢個毒,需然刪到,但係一開機又有返..........


唔該幫下手........thx a lot..........



回答 (2)

2006-12-13 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

此檔案程式可以強力清除受到木馬程式感染的病毒(部分受感染病毒很難清除,便可使用此程式 “強制” 清除受木馬感染的檔案)。

a. 開啟 “強力清除木馬程式病毒 壓縮檔”。
b. 在 “PowerRmv.exe” 點兩下後,會出現一個要你們輸入 “檔案名稱” 的欄位,這個輸入檔案名稱的欄位旁有一個正方形圖示,可以從這個圖示點入去尋找受到木馬感染的檔案。(也就是說你們要先記下被木馬程式病毒感染的 1.檔案名稱及2. 位置)
c. 找到受感染檔案之後,按確定。
d. 將 “抑制檔案再次生成” 打勾。
e. 最後按 “清除” 便可強制清除受到木馬感染的病毒。


2006-12-16 12:55:46 補充:
只要你將 “抑制檔案再次生成” 的方格打勾,極大部份的木馬都不能再生,不會一開機又有返。
2006-12-13 2:39 am
Solution:disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP)
If you are running Windows Me or Windows XP, we recommend that you temporarily turn off System Restore. Windows Me/XP uses this feature, which is enabled by default, to restore the files on your computer in case they become damaged. If a virus, worm, or Trojan infects a computer, System Restore may back up the virus, worm, or Trojan on the computer.

Windows prevents outside programs, including antivirus programs, from modifying System Restore. Therefore, antivirus programs or tools cannot remove threats in the System Restore folder. As a result, System Restore has the potential of restoring an infected file on your computer, even after you have cleaned the infected files from all the other locations.

Also, a virus scan may detect a threat in the System Restore folder even though you have removed the threat.

Everything above is copied from

Now, as the NOD 32 can really remove the virus, disable the System Restore in order to prevent it appear in your computer again by System Restore.

To disable and enable Windows ME System Restore:
To disable and enable Windows XP System Restore:

2006-12-12 18:41:04 補充:
In fact, trojan horse, as its name, don't attack your computer immediately.It might steal your internet password or open a backdoor for virus attack.

2006-12-12 19:07:29 補充:
Note that enable the System Restore after that is important to avoid any important system file being deleted.

2006-12-13 12:33:54 補充:
Dear dannytong984:The problem is not "the trojan House can't be removed"----it comes back after it is removed!!! Anyway, you must disable system restore to prevent it from happened.

2006-12-15 11:20:11 補充:
解决办法:恢复系统失灵(视窗我/XP的)如果你是我的视窗或视窗XP、 我们建议您暂时关闭系统恢复. 我窗户/XP的利用这一特点,这是拜违约恢复你的电脑档案一旦变成破坏. 如果一个病毒,蠕虫、木马或感染了计算机,系统恢复备份五月病毒蠕虫、 在电脑或木马. 窗户外使节目,包括防毒程式,从体制改造恢复. 因此,反病毒程序或工具无法消除威胁的系统恢复文件夹. 由于系统已经恢复,恢复一个潜在感染你的电脑档案, 即使你被感染的档案清理所有其他地点. 另外,病毒扫描系统,在察觉到威胁,即使您已清除,恢复文件夹的威胁.

2006-12-15 11:21:04 補充:
以上是抄袭现在一切作为1932年才能真正消除点头病毒武功恢复系统,以防止它再次出现在你的电脑系统恢复. 使我失去对视窗系统 回复: port/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/200101251312223 九月? opendocument及代办sec_doc_nam=

2006-12-15 11:21:13 補充:
为了使视窗XP系统重新失灵商店: rt/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2001111912274039? opendocument及代办sec_doc_nam=

2006-12-15 11:21:25 補充:
注意使系统恢复后,重要的是要避免任何重制档案被删除.其实,特洛伊木马,其名称、 不要攻击你的电脑网络窃取密码immediately.it可能打开后门或病毒的攻击. I used's confusing for me......Sorry......I don't know how to type Chinese.......
參考: On the ariticle

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