手機認證 Problem

2006-12-13 2:20 am
What personal information will 手機認證 get??
After that, may I commend for a post??(Positive & Negiative)

I want to know about collection of personal informationI I mean.

回答 (2)

2006-12-13 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you afraid that yahoo 取your information for something
such as sales product?
send/ phoned to you?

I can told you that
I was 手機認證for a long time ( about 3 month)
However, it is not matter was happen

手機認證only for yahoo no people to 作弊
惡意open account to 負評/正評
also told to people you have / have not

some of the people may see no 手機認證, not to answer,
because may 自問自答

If you ask me, What personal information will 手機認證 get??
手機號碼只會在驗證時使用, 不會用作其他用途

yahoo said about that, if yahoo not follow about this
yahoo will break the 法律

2006-12-13 18:39:22 補充:
thank you choose me
and hope have a happy day in yahoo
2006-12-13 2:24 am
手機認證u give ur mobil phone number and it will send u a message
then u need to type the number of the message on ur computer
and Ok

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