甚麼是 What a pile of crap

2006-12-13 1:34 am
甚麼是 What a pile of crap?

回答 (2)

2006-12-13 2:03 am
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"what a pile of crap" 是一句通俗的句法. " crap " 在口語上是指廢物, 垃圾的意思. 例如一個人滿口謊言或廢話, 你就可以用" what a pile of crap!" 來形容他. 而"what a pile of" (意思類似 " 好一堆(廢話) " 這個phase 只是有一種強調語氣的意思, 所以 " crap " 即使配合不同的組合使用亦是可以的, 例如"cut the crap!"(別再說廢話了!)

以下是來自"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary" 的解釋和例句:

crap1 spoken not polite
1 [uncountable] something someone says that you think is completely wrong or untrue [= rubbish]:
• You don't believe all that crap, do you?
load/pile of crap also bunch of crap American English
• That's a bunch of crap! I never said that.
• He came out with a load of crap about how he'd tried to call me yesterday.
• Greg's full of crap (=often says things that are completely wrong).
cut the crap (=used to tell someone to stop saying things that are completely wrong)
• Just cut the crap and tell me what really happened.
2 [uncountable] something that is very bad or is of bad quality [= rubbish]:
• They sell a lot of stuff cheap, but most of it is crap.
load/pile of crap also bunch of crap American English
• The game was a load of crap.
3 [uncountable] things that are useless or unimportant:
• What is all this crap doing on my desk?
4 [uncountable] bad or unfair treatment
take/stand for/put up with crap (=to allow someone to treat you badly)
• I'm not going to take any more of this crap!
• I don't need this kind of crap (=used when you are angry about the way someone is behaving towards you).
• I'm tired of you giving me crap (=saying bad things) about my long hair.
5 [uncountable] solid waste that is passed from your bowels
6 [singular] the act of passing solid waste from your bowels
take a crap also have a crap British English
7 craps [plural] American English a game played for money in the US, using two dice
shoot craps (=to play this game)
參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary +自己
2006-12-13 1:51 am
if you are saying that someone is speaking a pile of crap, it means they are talking rubbish (胡说八道)

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