about drugs and drug abuse

2006-12-13 1:34 am
can you tell me about what are the common ways that HK people will takes drugs, 3 different kinds of drugs and the ways to 戎 drugs

回答 (1)

2006-12-13 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港人take drugs既原因不外乎幾個reasons...
1. 覺得自己好多野煩...(for example: 煩感情事..煩人際關係)
2. 覺得自己好空虛...(for example: 冇拖拍)
3. 因為同屋企人既關係好差..又或者屋企人唔理佢..
4. 朋輩既影響...當自己既朋友take drugs但自己又唔take..好似好樣衰..or覺得好冇面
5. 純粹尋開心..(不過呢個係一個excuse比自己..現實上一定係有野佢覺得唔滿意or唔開心)
6. 覺得好型好enjoy

Common Ways to take drugs:
1. 落Disco
2. 識d識賣drugs既人
3. 其實某d藥房有賣咳藥水...但其實係犯法~

different kinds of drugs如下:
1. weed
2. pills (中國人會叫"糖"..外國既會叫 "E"..但係長寫就唔係太清楚)
3. 冰毒
4. 飲B (其實係咳藥水)

ways to get rid of drugs:
1. 靠自己既恆心
2. 朋輩or屋企人既支持
3. 有野去填滿生活既空虛..(for example: 搵工做..讀書..做有義意既野)
4. 嚴重者就要去戒毒中心


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