
2006-12-13 12:11 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-13 4:10 am
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種族歧視條例 Anti-discrimination bill on ethnic minorities (最近政府考慮訂定有條例, 你認為需要嗎?香港是否存在種族歧視?)
Hong Kong has less than 10% of its population coming from foreign countries. Besides people from Europe, North America and South America, the rest are mainly from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines and African countries. Many Indians and Pakistanis are actually born there. The majority of Indonesians and Filipinos are domestic helpers who have worked here for many years. Do you think Hong Kong people are discriminating against them. If yes, give examples, or cases which you witnessed personally. Do you think there is a need for legislation in this respect? Or do you think it would not work, and it would be a waste of time and effort?
防止空氣污染的方法 Anti-pollution measures to be taken (近年香港空氣污染嚴重, 不但危害市民健康, 更影響外商來港投資, 損害香港形象)
Do you think air pollution is really that bad? Are you, your family members or your schoolmates suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma (哮喘)? What do you think are the culprits (罪魁禍首) for the problem? You can say something about the industrial plants on the mainland, emissions from local vehicles (車輛排放的廢氣), or power plants of the two electricity companies (電力公司的發電廠). Think of protective measures from these respects.
香港人浪費資源 Hong Kong people are wasteful in daily living (前兩天新聞報導說香港學生舉行聖誕節聯歡會時往往浪費很多食物, 又拋掉不少用完即棄餐具)
Do you think Hong Kong people, especially the younger generations, have the habit of wasting a lot of our precious resources? Cite examples. Are you yourself among these people (你是否其中一份子)? What can be some of the measures to tackle this? Education may be a long-term solution, and lobbying manufacturers to produce less plastic spoons and forks (遊說生產商減產塑膠用餐器具) as an immediate measure.
[ Strictly my own work]

2006-12-21 20:55:15 補充:
Amendment : The sentence in paragraph one should read "Many Indians and Pakistanis are actually born HERE."
2006-12-13 12:41 am
Recently there is the goods and services tax bill that got canceled.. you can talk about your point of view on the bill and its sudden cancellation.
2006-12-13 12:21 am
Anti-smoking campaign to launch

Anti-smoking campaign to launch

No smoking: A tobacco control officer briefs a restaurant waitress on the new anti-smoking law.

The Department of Health will launch a year-long anti-smoking campaign to educate the public on the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2006 to be gazetted tomorrow.

The amendment provides that smoking in most indoor areas, like restaurants, offices, markets and bars, will be banned from January 1.

Deputy Director of Health Dr Leung Ting-hung said that during the campaign, the Tobacco Control Office will adopt a multi-pronged approach to publicise the new measures.

"Through the campaign, we hope to raise public awareness of the extended statutory smoking ban, to enhance compliance in no-smoking areas and create a harmonious environment for the implementation of the new legislation," he said.

"Publicity activities, including advertisements, roving exhibitions, and distribution of pamphlets and posters will be conducted."

He said workshops and seminars on the new no-smoking requirements will also be organised for the catering and tourism, hotel and building management industries.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:10:56
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