岩岩開始學返琴. ..

2006-12-13 12:08 am
因為岩岩開始學返琴. ..十分十分想彈夢中的婚禮出黎. ..
但係就彈來彈去都吾岩音*超火. .. ..我吾知係咪攪錯左D SOFALM. ..
但係對過D音又冇錯. ..但係就係彈來彈去都吾岩. ..唉*
有冇人. ..可以把夢中的婚禮既琴譜POST出黎(連埋D SOFALAM). ..
謝. ..=]希望各位幫幫我. ..
真的謝了*. ..

回答 (3)

2006-12-13 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實,你首先要找回Scale (音階) 的書仔細地再練番,找出Scale的特式,是如何組成(d ~ d'):
For examples whole~whole~half~whole~whole~whole~half
whole ~whole step (Tone) 全音
half ~ half step (Semitone) 半音

If you don't really understand that, you will not recognize the so-fi name in each scale forever. I think this is your major problem on that (as you think you get wrong on singing so-fi name) . Firstly, I suggest you try to play and sing together when you practice on scale. You need to get more practice on that. If you do it, you must find out the real so-fi name when you know the key of the piece.

Try to find out and singing the so-fi name alone from easy to difficult.
C Major
G Major
D Major
A Major
E Major
B Major
F sharp Major
C sharp Major
F Major
B flat Major
E flat Major
A flat Major
D flat Major
G flat Major
C flat Major

Everyday find out at least 3 pieces singing so-fi name, finally, you will feel that easy! If you continue have problem on that, you can ask your piano teacher ma! I think your teacher will feel pleased to teach you. Don't scare to ask a question, but remember, find out by yourself first (This is very important).

2006-12-13 01:56:07 補充:
If you don't really understand that, you will not recognize the so-fi name in each scale forever.- Actually, scale and then transfer the same problem to the piece!

2006-12-13 02:04:27 補充:
- And, you know how to find out the note, the problem on you is only know singing so-fi name in C Major. You don't really understand the character of scale.

2006-12-13 10:48:10 補充:
同埋. ..我現時是自己去BUY書. ..自學. ..吾明就問下D FD. ..沒人教我的.Sorry, I don't know you just learning piano yourself. One easy book, such as michael aaron Bk 1 (buy from any Piano Company), the end page have all scale and only 1 octave, it includes a little easy piece, that is very suitable for you.

2006-12-13 10:49:38 補充:
May be singing so-fi name start on C Major, G Major and F Major first, but you need to find out what is sharp and flat.

2006-12-13 10:50:06 補充:
Learning Piano is expensive, but otherwise the teacher was excellent at the beginning of the month. They will help you to find out where you don't know, where you get wrong such as sitting position, hand, body, articulation............... .

2006-12-13 10:50:22 補充:
If you can able to pay, try to learn it at least 1 month (if you are clever person) ~ 3 month (if you are not clever person), and then you can learn it yourself in home. If you want to continue learning on piano, I suggest you start to learn piano now or later on Grade 2.
參考: Share with my experience
2006-12-14 6:46 am
這首歌不是單音, 很難將so fa name 遂一寫出來的.
2006-12-13 12:13 am
你睇so fa name 係冇用架
要睇d 音符
你so fa name 會睇唔切
唔好睇so fa name 睇音符啦


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