
2006-12-12 11:23 pm
我借76.8萬, 中銀比我hibor 係+0.6%, p-2.5=5.25%封頂. 罰息2年, 部份還款罰1年

但東亞比我頭三年傳統p-3.28=4.72%, 其後p-3.15=4.85%, 不過律師費我要比多1000元及再幫東亞買份家居保險, 罰息3年 我應該揀邊間好呢?

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
東亞比你既Offer 好唔錯成P-3.28%,如果層樓唔係抄,自住要預供長期一定要搵息平,罰息期完左之後, 再揀另一間銀行做轉按的話,要比律師費,至於家居保險,問得銀行做按揭就走唔luck,一定要買。
你試下http://www.mreferral.com/ or 電3196 6868
祝 好運!
2006-12-12 11:31 pm
choose which one depends on ur financial situation
but i can tell u some basic info.

prime rate links with federal interest arte from USA and it's supposed to be more stable expecially the economy of US is slowing down so the chance of going up of the F.D.R. is little for the coming 1-2 years the P will keep in a low rate

HIbor links with the hot money in the banks in HK, when there's a lot of money Hibor is low but the changes can be dramatic since hot money moves so sudden sometimes and the rate between banks move in a bigger steps ....that's more risky

choose which plans depends on wether u are short term investment or long term investment

the longer the penalty period nail u down longer thus better for long term

hope can help u understand more

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