
2006-12-12 10:27 pm


回答 (4)

2006-12-19 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
男人四十是具魅力的年紀, 也是吸引年青廿零歲女生的年紀, 再有這種年青的女生做女友, 更顯自己的是依然年青力壯, 出嚟哂也都會有面啲!

而差不多大的女人, 跟本看不上這種年紀的男人上眼, 所以, 不是男的不選差不多年紀的女人, 而是女人不讓他有這個機會. 除非, 男的有特別的條件, 才有這個選擇的機會, 但在這個情況下, 男的依然會選擇年青的去顯示自己的魅力.
2006-12-13 8:57 am
同年齡的女人, 到了這種年紀,更不會隨便動心, 如果找一個同自己同齡的男人, 無番同自己咁上下, 不如唔好嫁, 唔通搵個人俾自己照顧咩, 男人如果到了這年紀沒老婆的, (除非死了太太, 或者離婚) 一般來說條件好極有限, 同齡的女人, 唔制, 找年輕的, 一來自覺年輕了, 二來40 歲有30歲的成就, 對20來歲的女人已是吸引, 對40 歲女人覺得你差得遠了.

2006-12-13 4:20 am
2006-12-13 1:56 am
I think most man would focus on look first - outside beauty rather than inside beauty, if say a 40 year woman looks like a 20 something woman because she's young looking, I bet a 40 year old man would still fall in love with her by first sight. That's how man thinks. So the best way for woman to maintain their attractiveness to man is to make sure they always stay young and healthy. How to do that? Make sure you keep a peaceful mind all the time and have a positive and healthy life.

God Bless : )

I am a lady.

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