我唔識依幾個中文字的英文點寫@@~ 可以幫下我嗎?~

2006-12-12 9:14 pm

1. 茶餐廳

回答 (5)

2006-12-12 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 茶餐廳 = restaurant
2.中收入人士 = people with medium income
3.低收入人士 = people with low income
4.明文規定 = stipulates explicitly
5.自重 = self respecting / respect oneself
6.互相監察 = investigate each other


2006-12-12 14:25:47 補充:
2.中收入人士 = people with medium income / medium income earner3.低收入人士 = people with low income / low income earner
參考: 自己
2006-12-13 2:24 am
2.be hit by earning
3.low earning
4.in writing(but if you want something more formal, it should be: Clearly stipulated)
6.watch each other
參考: 問朋友
2006-12-12 11:23 pm
1. 茶餐廳- 1.a restaurant
2.a dining hall; a dining saloon; a dining room (of a school, etc.); a refectory; a lunchroom; a canteen

2.中收入人士- 1. People with medium revenues.

3.低收入人士- 1. People with low revenues.

4.明文規定- 1. Proclaimed writing regulations.

5.自重- 1.to conduct oneself with dignity; to be self-possessed; to be self-dignified; to be self-respecting; to refrain from committing nuisance
2.dead weight; dead load; static load

6. 互相- 1.mutual; shared 2.each other; one another
監察- 1.to supervise; to control
參考: If you have any more English problems, email me: [email protected]
2006-12-12 10:53 pm
1. restaurant
2. medium-income earners
3. low-income earners
4. The XXX stipulates explicitly that
5. to be self-respecting
6. monitoring each other's XXX
2006-12-12 9:25 pm
茶餐廳.a restaurant

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