
2006-12-12 9:07 pm
我部電腦用緊window98...唔係xp...usb唔會自動連接...但我插左我部電話nokia6280時...佢自動彈出一個"新增硬體精靈"要搜尋新的驅動程式:composite usb device,要我"禁"下一步...但我冇個個驅動程式....但我試過裝6280送既個隻碟...部機又話不支援唔俾我安裝....除左用個隻6280碟之外,有冇其他方法可以用usb連接我部電腦同手機啊?

回答 (4)

2006-12-12 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 希望幫到你!
2006-12-12 9:56 pm
很抱歉, 根據諾基亞支援網頁提供的兼容性列表, 你的手機型號 6280 只能在 Windows 2000 或 XP 平台上操作, Win98 或 Win98SE 肯定不可能

2006-12-12 9:43 pm
Are you using win98 or win98 SE??
double check on your usb cable software, maybe it have another program for win98 SE. As I know win98 don't come with the usb driver, you need to download and install it, try the www.microsoft.com or your phone cable installation CD. You got to install it first, then install the phone cable software. If still not work, you may need to upgrade your windows to XP or try to buy a USB to PS/2 adapter, it may solve your problem.
2006-12-12 9:09 pm
it is no idea to use it

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