邊句英文表達得好D? URGENT!!!

2006-12-12 8:08 pm
如果想表達, 我地既產品係好舒服同時尚既話應該點講呢?
trendy 同 fashionable 係咪一樣意思?

如果我句講得唔好, 咁點樣講會好D?

1. Our products are designed to be comfortable and trendy

2. Our products are designed to be comfortable and fashionable

3. We convinced that our products are designed to be comfortable and fashionable

Urgent 架, 唔該!

回答 (7)

2006-12-12 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
trendy 同 fashionable 的意思是不同的!

Fashionable means following the fashion 意思是切合潮流
Trendy means showing a certain tendency 有帶領新動向的意思

所以(2),(3) 的意思一樣, 與(1)的意思不同, (2)可用於目錄(catalogue)或小冊子(brochure), (3)可用於對話或書信.

2006-12-13 4:50 am
你公司的產品是什麼? 除非是貼身或個人用品, 如床單, 枕頭等, 否則又怎會用到舒服(comfortable)?衣著也不一定舒服呢 那句最好便要看看貴司的產品是什麼了, 或者所有句子都有問題.
2006-12-12 10:50 pm

但No. 3 用 CONVINCED 講到好似我地自己都要時間說服自己.比較有啲負面
2006-12-12 9:08 pm
3 sentences are OK.
trendy - e.g. other things such as TV games, cups, chairs, etc.
fashionable - for things put on a person's body, such as clothings, bags, shoes, trousers, shirts, hair
2006-12-12 8:38 pm

i) 'Our products are designed....'
design 時就想係好舒服同時尚, 咁 after design stage 之後係唔係真係好舒服同時尚?! 所以 designed 此字是多餘

ii) 'fashionable' is more appropriate than 'trendy' in an ad

iii) 'We convinced... (你說服了)'
你說服了誰? 而且好的 product 不需要 '說服' 任何人
如果你想說 '你覺得', 應該用 'We are convinced....'
不過你自己的 products 要别人去 convince 你, 是不是有點問題?

不如簡簡單單用 Our products are comfortable and fashionable 重好~
2006-12-12 8:14 pm
We convinced that our products are designed to be comfortable and fashionable

it isbetter.
2006-12-12 8:12 pm
Our products are designed to be both comfortable and fashionable.

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