Who is Outso??

2006-12-12 6:01 pm
Who is Outso??

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
  因勾踐於現在越南北部和中國的廣西、廣東、福建、浙江一帶成立國,以勾嫂與勾踐當時親屬關係,得以於廣東南方珠江河口以東,當時仍屬荒地(據非正式估計,即現時香港旺角)封侯立國,國號柒(粵音變調為柒上去聲),並自稱為柒王。  柒王柒子,代號柒柒,創立柒教,當時全國信奉,並定為國教,柒王見柒柒有功,册立柒柒為國師,賜名勾二嫂,以表其有功。現時,香港仍有大量信眾。  於上世紀柒王後裔,代號十一號二世傳人,創立世紀商業王國並以其代號命名為7-11,但由於經營不善,早於多個財吞拼,代號柒十一亦於當年於新蒲崗明渠自刎,一死以謝天下。


2006-12-12 6:07 pm
Au chi ho
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ṬOutso Au (勾嫂) (born Oct 8 1986) is a student, Hong Kong Jockey Club Telebet Services Assistant, script writer, paparazzi and gag maker. Outso is one of the most renowned students in Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education(Chai Wan) and worshiped by his classmates because of his down to earth style of speech and generous behavior.

Outso's Tag
High hand


Diu U Ball Ball

What the Q is this

Outso's Favorite Adjectives

Remarks from Outso's English teacher
Outso is always an interesting topic for the students
and the fun part is that he plays along with the rest of the class
Outso 果然係'高手'!!!
as always... outso became the 'hot' topic of the class and 2 hours was spent in joy and laughter

Message from the article writer
What is the difference between:

1. Uploading Yumiko's pants pulled off clip to Youtube
2. Writing an Outso article at Wikipedia

While I am blaming those immoral uploaders, I write an Outso article at Wikipedia. I know this act is very mo liu and may hurt Outso's delicate soul, but I simply cannot resist the glamor of Outso. As we all know that, just the term of "Outso" is already a symbolic of joy and gag. Moreover, making mo liu thing is my habit, my interest, my routine and my meaning of life.

Outso, you have every right to blame me. Of course you can write an article of me at Wikipedia, but I am afraid that such an article will be deleted instantly as I am not as notable as you. I am only a small potato while you are a celebrity. Please let me know if you really wanna do so, so that I can make your Wikipedia article more realistic, for example, putting the "Vincent van Gogh, Outso and Tom Cruise" picture.


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