Runescape...why ppl buy chaos `and` death??

2006-12-12 3:04 pm
Runescape...why ppl buy chaos `and` death??

i dont think magic shop貴d wor~~


use duck death 啫mage 高lvl,then why still buy many chaos??

回答 (3)

2006-12-16 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Train magic... Chaos rune use to use "bolt" attack spell such as Wind bolt or Fire Bolt, Death Rune use to use "blast" attack spell such as Wind Blast or Fire Blast. In world 1, chaos from player is about 100ea and deaths are mostly 200-250ea.
參考: my self (RuneScape name: Ha Got Pk)
2006-12-14 2:42 am
It was because buy shop in the shop , it is very waste time~ and the magic shop' s choas and death all almost (empty)so make them expenisice.Then the ppls sold it to someone so easy , quick ..............If u want to saving up ur money u can buy 'choas' and ' death' in magic shop But very very waste time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
參考: me
2006-12-13 3:30 pm
如果你問點解d人向其他玩家買chaos 同 death rune 個話:

因為有d人runcrafting高level,整到chaos 同 death rune,其他人買chaos 同 death rune 係想佢地賣平d 因為magic shop貴d

如果你問d人買chaos 同death rune 用黎做咩個話:


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