native english speaker

2006-12-12 8:43 am
想請問怎樣有機會/活動在香港可接觸 native english speaker ? 我想練習英語。我可以教佢廣東話或國語。

回答 (4)

2006-12-14 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
One of the best ways is to approach western tourists in places like Stanley, Repulse Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui. Tell them you would like to improve your english and ask if they are happy to spare a few minutes talking to you. You can introduce yourself, ask about their trip in HK etc. Make sure they can speak english fluently, cos you wont learn much from a french who speaks broken english :) Keep it short for the first few times, limit the time to 3-5mins otherwise people will be annoyed.

for 活動在香港可接觸 native english speaker, go to and check out their activites, lots of fun too!

Hope it helps.
2006-12-19 3:36 pm
~You have a lot of choice
1st Pub and Clubs....Central and WanChai have a lot I think Joe Banana in Wan Chai is nice.
2nd British council, IELTS course, teacher are all native english speaker. very useful
2006-12-12 10:51 am
- 參加賣旗/慈善活動, 特別在一些多外國人到的地方。
- 很多海外華僑會在聖誕或暑假帶小朋友回港探親, 他們會到一些旅遊點玩, 可試試跟小朋友練練英語。
- 如已夠年齡做 partime, 可試試做零售行業。
- 如有移民外國的親友, 便多打電話與他們談天說地。
2006-12-12 8:50 am

由native english speaker 教


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