人民幣信用卡 一問

2006-12-12 8:42 am
或者d 大陸人可以持內地人民幣信用卡出來香港買野....
之後, 有學者就話, 用人民幣信用卡買野, 唔洗專登轉做港幣或人民幣...就可以有 "low foreign exchange rate risk"....
(要詳盡解釋....有website 作ref 及用英文作答更好......)

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果你響大陸買左野,選擇響大陸用人民幣找數既話,咁你就唔使等銀行按照settle o個人既兌匯計成港幣,要你找數,因為唔知o個日匯率係低定高,你可以自己吼一個自己認為合理既匯率,換定人民幣準備找數(或者你本身就有大量人民幣存款),所以D學者就話"low foreign exchange rate risk"囉.

參考: common sense + international fanance knowledge
2006-12-12 10:20 am
I don't there are any 人民幣信用卡 for HK people, you have to exchange the rate anyways. The Asian financial crisis led to a re-thinking of the issues related to capital account liberalisation. Before that crisis, it had been well understood that sound macroeconomic policies were needed to minimise the risks associated with the opening of the capital account. After that crisis, the critical role played by a well-capitalised, well-managed and well-regulated financial system came into sharper focus. The risks of a highly leveraged corporate structure without effective shareholder discipline also became clearer. Policy-makers gained a better appreciation of the fact that successful capital account liberalisation depends on a broad range of effective policies.

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