Management trainee

2006-12-12 8:08 am
我想問關於MTR 既 graduate management trainee program 難唔難入咖?係咪通常只會收最 top 嗰啲啊?佢既 requirement 有無啲 bank 既 requirement 咁高咖?並且我想問關於MTR 呢啲 graduate management trainee program入職薪金是多少?以及 future career 理唔理想啊?萬分感激﹗

回答 (3)

2006-12-19 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果是大Firm 請Management Trainee (MT),你也要有心理準傋要爭到你死我活。 香港個個大學Graduate 都想做 MT,老闆一定想找最好的人材啦,除非係保險人壽,正常情況也選些 CE, AL, 大學成績好,又多於課外活動做過 Leader的人啦,曾拿獎學金的人,當然更備受歡迎。MT 的入職薪金幾多,
通常就睇下你Guts夠拿幾多,Manager會interview問你:「你覺得你值每月賺幾多?」你點答先?? 當然耍求太過分一定叮你出局啦!太小又會覺得你無自信。大firm,如MTR, Future career 當然比一般firm好啦!但你一定耍有料先升到啦!如果做不來,比你留都無意義!但做得叻都未必happy, 你知啦! D高層時時空降D外來人來做阿head, 又有乜符?
參考: My experience
2006-12-13 8:02 am
MTR would take the people with its desired traits. Those admitted would not be the "TOP people" in your own sense. MTR MT paid around HKD 17,000 of its starting. The requirement is not nesscarily higher or lower than bank. Just a different set of requirements.

The application process is competitive. Less than 0.5% applicants are hired.

"Future career 理唔理想啊?". That's not an intelligent question. It sounds like you don't know what your goal. More intelligent ones are like "what experience and qualifications do I need in the coming XX years to become a fund manager / audit partner / strategic consultant?". Don't be offended...

MT program is designed to train up managers in the organisation itself. If you don't like to be a branch manager but an investment banker or brand manager, that's no point to be a MT in consumer banking since the skills cannot be tranferred. Also, it's hard to move to other industry after 2 years since your salary is high to deter other employers.

Like me, I quitted "C" bank MT after 6 months and went to big 4 for experience I need to be a corporate finance or research people. A lower salary but more relevant experience.

Hence, it crucial to know your goal and skills you need to acquire in the coming 3 years.
2006-12-13 2:22 am
不是requirement高不高的問題, 而是 demand and supply問題。同一個位, 如果有D好勁既人申請, 就算佢本身只要求"university graduate'佢哋都會請成績top, 面試/筆試表現好的人
入職薪金最少一萬, 前途當然不俗,將會輪流到不同部門見識和工作, 將來可升至經理/管理層職位。
參考: knowledge

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