要作個全新既小學英文話劇....請問有無d咩靈感呀.......好難諗呀....我想多元化d...有歌, 有舞, 同觀眾有互動既最好.....請問有無d 有經驗既人可以救救我呀..........
唔一定有晒劇本, 但起碼要有大綱....比d idea我.....
回答 (2)
do u really need a new one?
or you can just do some old musicals..like 'Annie'? My sch did it and its really good...mainly is sing and dance..or 'Sound of Music'? 'Start wars'?
For junior students..it's easier for them to sing and dance..because it's too hard to ask them to remember the dialogues.. it's nearly X'mas...so this can be a theme..or like take the ideas of 'Annie' ....they are orphans and looking their own parents..then there are few things happened..
Sorry if it doesnt help@@
參考: me
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:26:49
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