
2006-12-12 7:38 am
good swimming for what ?

回答 (6)

2006-12-13 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

做第二個方力申,首先破佢個記錄,再拎返個金牌,然後進軍做明星,追 COOKISE !
參考: 我
2006-12-12 10:49 pm
Swimming is good for your health and swimming can said the best of the sport.
參考: books
2006-12-12 9:29 pm
for good health

2006-12-12 13:30:09 補充:
and to win in the competition if you swim fast enough!
2006-12-12 7:29 pm
To challenge yourself. To find out your limits on self power, both physically and mentally.


2006-12-12 7:47 am
Do you mean the advantages of swimming?

You can have a good health;
can relax yourself when feel pressures;
can be a kind of hobby;
can have a good body shape;
can reduce fat;
can be taller
can safe yourself when you drowing or at risk in the sea
2006-12-12 7:46 am
for good health
參考: ME

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