changing field of works!!! very frustrated!!!

2006-12-12 6:33 am
I am now working in property development and architectural field. However, i start to grow interest in finance field for the past 2 years........what should i do so that i can shift the field of works? like taking any course or work in what kind of firms?

please advice if anybody know the answer


回答 (1)

2006-12-13 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are mainly 3 routes you can go, listing from the easiest:

(1) Get a sales job in a fund house selling funds and insurance to individuals. SCMP has many such openings. Package yourself as a person well connected in the property and construction field, knowing tons of high net-worth people.

(2) Get a private banker job from any bank, there are fewer openings then (1) but with your qualifications you should be fine. In case you are not sure what is private banking, read this:

(3) Get a whatever job in an investment bank. It makes bigger money than the above you. But you will find yourself working with fresh grads 10 years younger than you. Many of them are either grads from top overseas schools such as the Oxford Cambridge Irvine League or kids of weathly families in HK with a high value personal network..... Your past professional qualification and work experience become trivial and meaningless in that environment, and you will work like a horse or a dog if your personal network or academic qualification not flashing as they have.

Whichever way you go, you need to acquire a cerificate in that field so you can live longer in that trade. Either you will make yourself a qualified accountant or a CFA. Both paths are hard and takes years to accomplish.

You need no CFP,IFP,RFP. You just need the CPA. Good luck.

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