
2006-12-12 6:27 am
請問有什麼航空公司由香港去馬爾他? 又可以有Asiamiles....但我不想經UK, 想經歐州(i.e. 羅馬或德國城市)轉机....

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
The most direct route now from Hong Kong-Malta would be with Emirates via Dubai and Cyprus...
If you wish to collect AsiaMiles, you will have to fly with Cathay Pacific or other Oneworld alliance partner...
But sadly, there is currently now other Oneworld hubs that are connected with Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong apart from London Heathrow...
So if you wish to collect AsiaMiles, you will have to fly with Cathay Pacific to London Heathrow then connect onto British Airways flight to Malta...
However, the most direct route will still be Emirates, or you can fly with Cathay Pacific to destinations like Rome then book yourself a ticket from Rome to Malta... In this case, you will be able to collect AsiaMiles at least on the Hong Kong-Rome sector... However, this way would be less direct and most inconverience...
2006-12-12 6:49 am

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