marketing mix of durex ( 杜蕾斯 ) 十萬火急!!!!

2006-12-12 6:15 am
durex 既marketing mix 係咩!?!!!?

回答 (3)

2006-12-12 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Price: middle to higher price
Place: magazine, tv, Radio, 7-11.
Promotion: Lucky draw in the magazine and some gift in buy the products.
Product: provide different kinds of condom, such as different taste and different feeling of condom.

P.s. Place 唔係指銷售途徑,係指promotion ga 途徑。

參考: 自己
2006-12-12 7:38 pm
If you want to expand your scope of thinking outside HK, use this as a reference:

Andrex, Durex, Radox, etc.) • The name must be in a tone of language that is understood and appreciated by the. product’s target market. ... So what exactly is the marketing mix? You may recall from Chapter 1 that the mar- ...

2006-12-12 7:37 am
marketing mix have 4P, they are product, price, place and promotion.

Product is the most important one.

Assumption: Durex in Hong Kong market

Product: condom~
main function: to place safe in the sexual behavior and prevent conception
variation: different colour; different size; different taste; different shape

Price: high
since it has high reputation of its safty feature, so people are willing to pay a premium for it. also, people often feel ambassrass when they buy condom, so they wont put a lot of time to choose it slowly for the best quality and best price; therefore, customers are not price sensitive

Place: (distribution channel)
manufacturer ( durex) --> agent --> supermarket, convienent store, etc...
short distribution channel enhance stronger control to the agents;
agents can cover a larger market through supermarket or convienent store, which have a high turnover rate.
Cost is lower since it doest need a branch store for sale

Mainly through advertisment in TV and magazine, sometimes sponsoring certain big functions.

Because its target market is very big, from ages of 15 (youth) to 50 ( adults), so advertisment is the direct and easier way to send their message out, compared to the other market communication like personal selling.

But, seems that it have reduce its promotion in recent times

Moreover, there are some attemps to distribute free sample in the crowed area to the public, like MK. They invited some pretty young lady to wear sexy clothing to distribute; it can raise the public's awareness to the brand "durex", as well as educating public to the awareness of safty sex behavior and thus gained its reputation.
參考: from my marketing sense

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