
2006-12-12 5:16 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可能已經有牙週病 . 但如果你未到 20 歲 已經有牙週病令到牙齒鬆
係好嚴重的問題了 .... 你應該立即去洗牙 ... 希望可以改善到 .
但係記住 .. 因為牙週病而令到牙齒鬆 .... 係冇得 將牙齒變返實 .. 最多只能停留係這個階段 , 唔再惡化 ... (當然要你用好好方法刷牙 , 每年定期洗牙 , 需要時用漱口水)
所以 .. 牙週病是很可怕的 ..
2006-12-15 2:33 am
I think you are better seek for dentist advice......
Because when I hadn't been a dental assistant......I use my finger to share the teeth.....why it is loose......now I know......
every teeth is life.......god give us the things should have reasons......

why the teeth a bit loose.....it is because there are force during you eating, chewing things......it can be release the force.......otherwise your teeth will easy broken..

actually if you are not brush well, the teeth will be loose during periodontal disease.

but I think you are so young.......I had worked for 11 years.....just see 1 case got periodontal diseases in his age of 22.......

so I think you may not be periodontal disease......better seek for the dentist advice.

sorry for I cant type chinese........hope its help!!
參考: I am a dental assistant

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