
2006-12-12 4:15 am

回答 (1)

2006-12-12 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. Wet umbrellas, wet raincoats, photographic equipment, food and drink may not be brought into the Library.
b. Personal pagers and telephones must be turned off in the Library at all times.
c. No games of any form are allowed in the Library.
d. Library users are required to sit in the places provided. They should not move tables and chairs to new positions.
e. Silence must be observed in the Library.
f. Reservation of seats is normally not permitted except in cases when official reservation application is approved by the Library. Books and personal property left unattended in open library carrels or on unreserved tables will be removed by library staff without prior notice to the owner.
g. All library furniture, equipment and library materials must be kept clean.
h. Personal belongings must not be left unattended in the Library. The Library does not accept any responsibility for the loss of personal belongings in the Library.
i. Books and other items which are the property of the Library must not be mutilated or defaced. Full replacement and administrative costs will be charged for any damage caused by the offender. The School Librarian will take action to prevent the offender from using the Library for a period of time and will refer the case to the School Discipline for further disciplinary action.
j. In the use of photocopying machines in the Library, the law regarding copyright must be observed. Reproduction or duplication of audio-visual materials or computer software is strictly prohibited.
k. Any request for reproduction of any library printed materials for presentation or teaching purpose by using a camera must be directed to the Teacher Librarian on duty at the IN/OUT counter. Users are warned that they are fully responsible for any legal consequences concerning copyright infringement that may arise.
l. Library users will be held responsible for loss or damage to any library materials whilst in their charge. Any defect or damage to a book should be reported to the teacher librarian/student librarian immediately it is noticed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:25:46
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