Math ( eng. )

2006-12-12 3:51 am
1.A grocer bought 5000 apples at$4000. he sold 4000 of them at $1.2 each . the rest were sold at a discount of 40% on the cost.
a Find the total amount of money he received.
b Find the profit percent

2.The marking price of a TV set is $4000. The wholesaler offers a 30% discount to the retailer. A retailer sells it at $3024.
a Find the cost of the TV set for the reyailer.
b Find the profit percent for the retailer.

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. The total amount of money received
= 4000 * $1.2 + 1000 * $1.2 * 0.6
= $4800 + $720 = $5520

b The profit percent
= (5520 - 4000)/4000 * 100%
= 38%

a The cost of the TV set for the retailer
= $4000 * 0.7
= $2800

b The profit percent for the retailer.
=($3024 - $2800)/$2800 * 100%
= 8%

3.Sam bought a flat which was marked at $3200000 at discount of 5%. He then sold it and made a profit of 20%
a Sam paid
= $3200000 * 0.95

b Sam sell the flat at
= $3040000 * 1.2
= $3648000

a If Mary paid the bill by cash, she had to pay
= $437.4/0.9
= $486

b. The price of jacket
= $486 - $120*0.6 - $180*0.8
= $270

The discount rate = ($300 - $270)/$300 = 10%
2006-12-12 5:25 am
1.a. 4000*1.2 + 1000*(1.2 * 60% ) = 5520
b. (5520-4000)/4000 *100% = 38%

2.a. 4000 * 70% = $ 2800
(3024-2800) /2800 * 100 % = 8%


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