
2006-12-12 1:10 am

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2006-12-12 4:58 am
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「深喉」(Deep Throat,或稱深喉嚨),是美國歷史上著名的「水門事件」中向《華盛頓郵報》透露幕後信息的秘密線人的代號。「深喉」的真實身份一直是個謎,直到2005年美國聯邦調查局(FBI)前副局長馬克·費爾特(W. Mark Felt)承認他就是「深喉」。
1972年6月17日民主黨總部水門大廈發生闖入事件。後來的調查發現,以當時美國總統理察·尼克森為首的共和黨為了獲得大選勝利,派人竊取民主黨文件並且對水門大廈進行竊聽。水門事件最終導致理察·尼克森總統辭職,白宮幕僚長鮑勃·哈特曼(H. R. Haldeman)及總統顧問約翰·亞列舒曼(John Ehrlichman)被監禁。
當時《華盛頓郵報》記者鮑勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)和卡爾·伯恩斯坦(Carl Bernstein)在一位「線人」的透露下,一起撰寫系列文章報導了這一事件,最終迫使尼克森政府任命獨立檢察官調查此案。《華盛頓郵報》的編輯霍華德·西蒙斯(Howard Simons),以色情電影的名稱,將這位秘密線人取綽號「深喉」。
深喉的真正身分是美國政治和新聞事業當中一個最大的秘密,鮑勃·伍德沃德和卡爾·伯恩斯坦堅持他們不會透露深喉的真正身分直到他死。但美國雜誌《名利場》(Vanity Fair)報道揭開了困擾美國政界、史學界和普通民眾30多年的謎團,代號為「深喉」的人真名叫馬克·費爾特,他已經承認,自己就是當年水門事件的線人。在2005年5月31日,鮑勃·伍德沃德和卡爾·伯恩斯坦及《華盛頓郵報》前行政編輯班傑明·班李(Benjamin C. Bradlee)證實,現年91歲的馬克·費爾特就是深喉。
2006-12-12 1:16 am
Deep Throat is the pseudonym that was given to a secret source who leaked information about the involvement of U.S. President Richard Nixon's administration in the Watergate first break-in and subsequent events that came to be known as the Watergate scandal. "Deep Throat" was an important source for Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who together wrote a series of articles on the scandal that played a decisive role in exposing the misdeeds of the Nixon administration. The scandal would eventually lead to the resignation of President Nixon as well as prison terms for White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, G. Gordon Liddy, chief counsel Charles Colson, and presidential adviser John Ehrlichman.

Howard Simons, the managing editor of the Washington Post at the time, dubbed the secret informant "Deep Throat" as an allusion to the notorious pornographic movie of the same name. The name was also a pun on the journalism term "deep background", referring to information provided by a secret source that, by agreement, will not be reported directly. "Deep Throat" came to public attention when Woodward and Bernstein wrote All The President's Men, a book also made into an Academy Award-winning movie. In the movie, "Deep Throat" was portrayed by Hal Holbrook.

For more than 30 years, the identity of "Deep Throat" was one of the biggest mysteries of American politics and journalism, the source of much public curiosity and speculation. Woodward and Bernstein insisted they would not reveal his identity until he died or consented to have his identity revealed. On May 31, 2005, after William Mark Felt, Sr. revealed himself in a Vanity Fair magazine article, Woodward, Bernstein, and former Post executive editor Ben Bradlee confirmed that Felt was the source they called "Deep Throat."

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