
2006-12-11 10:44 pm
With reference to your fax/ letter and the subsequent telecom between your goodself and the undersigned regarding application into 2007-2008 Kuk's Contractor List, pls. find enclosed herewith a prequalification questionnaire for your filling in. Please return the same with all the necessary information to the following address:-

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
根據您的傳真/信件和隨後你們和下面簽署人的往來電信提及關於申請加入2007-2008 Kuk 的承包商名單一事, 現隨函附夾一份[獲得資格前問卷]。請於填妥後連同有關的資料寄到以下地址:-
2006-12-11 10:51 pm
關於您的電傳信件和隨後電信在您的好自已和簽名於末尾之間關於應用入2007-2008 Kuk 的承包商名單, 請發現立即被附寄一張 查詢表為您的裝填。請退回同樣以所有必要的資訊到以下地址:-

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