
2006-12-11 9:52 pm
rule of sudoku ENG please!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Solution methods
The strategy for solving a puzzle may be regarded as comprising a combination of three processes: scanning, marking up, and analyzing

Scanning is performed at the outset and throughout the solution. Scans need to be performed only once in between analyses. Scanning consists of two techniques:

Cross-hatching: the scanning of rows to identify which line in a region may contain a certain numeral by a process of elimination. The process is repeated with the columns. For fastest results, the numerals are scanned in order of their frequency, from high to low. It is important to perform this process systematically, checking all of the digits 1–9.
Counting 1–9 in regions, rows, and columns to identify missing numerals. Counting based upon the last numeral discovered may speed up the search. It also can be the case, particularly in tougher puzzles, that the best way to ascertain the value of a cell is to count in reverse—that is, by scanning the cell's region, row, and column for values it cannot be, in order to see what remains.
Advanced solvers look for "contingencies" while scanning, narrowing a numeral's location within a row, column, or region to two or three cells. When those cells lie within the same row and region, they can be used for elimination during cross-hatching and counting. Puzzles solved by scanning alone without requiring the detection of contingencies are classified as "easy"; more difficult puzzles cannot be solved by basic scanning alone.

Marking up
Scanning stops when no further numerals can be discovered, making it necessary to engage in logical analysis. One method to guide the analysis is to mark candidate numerals in the blank cells. There are two popular notations: subscripts and dots.

In the subscript notation the candidate numerals are written in subscript in the cells. Because puzzles printed in a newspaper are too small to accommodate more than a few subscript digits of normal handwriting, solvers may create a larger copy of the puzzle.
The second notation uses a pattern of dots in each square, where the dot position indicates a number from 1 to 9. The dot notation can be used on the original puzzle. Dexterity is required in placing the dots, since misplaced dots or inadvertent marks inevitably lead to confusion and may not be easily erased.
An alternative technique is to "mark up" the numerals that a cell cannot be. A cell will start empty and as more constraints become known, it will slowly fill until only one mark is missing. Assuming no mistakes are made and the marks can be overwritten with the value of a cell, there is no longer a need for any erasures.
2006-12-11 9:59 pm
There is really only one rule:

Fill in the grid so that
every row,
every column, and
every 3 x 3 box
contains the digits 1 through 9.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:32:15
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