California收費, 第一次去join~要俾幾多$$ 啊大約

2006-12-11 9:11 pm
California收費, 第一次去join~要俾幾多$$ 啊大約

回答 (5)

2006-12-15 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我本是 member, 十一月時曾幫朋友問過銅鑼灣 california 職員 Decko 最新的收費 plan, 大約是 $219 / 月, 可玩任何 club 和任何時段玩, 不過就要預繳三年費用(忘記了是三年還是兩年), 若用 manhattan, hang seng, citibank 卡簽賬就可免息分期十二個月供款。

而我大半年有多前 join 是 $3xx / 月, 預繳 18 個月, 但當時只能去一間 club 玩, 時段則不限, 後來大約再用 $120 / 月再預繳 4 年, 便可去任何一間 club + 任何時段玩。

我覺得 california 越遲 join 就越抵!若果佢話 $219/月的 plan 完了, 得貴的話, 你又唔趕住 join, 咪叫佢有平才通知你。通常佢的 plan 要平均月費平就要 join 多幾年。至於係咪 member 介紹就平 d, don't know 了。但肯定有 member 在場, sales 不會過份 hard sell, 好得多。
參考: me
2006-12-12 4:57 am
seafood prices.......if you join the long plan, remember to keep the receive......
Because my classmate had poor experience that they said they lost the data......
Actually, he pay $XX,XXX for a permanent plan...after 3 year...he only pay $88.....but the staff said the data lost........need pay $188...he is very angry and said you try...then I will go to consumer council.....then they said it $88 for a while.......
Just remind you should keep the receipt after join~~
參考: me and my classmate
2006-12-12 4:40 am
california有好多plan , 價錢當然睇plan 而不同,
最basic可以係HK$3XX/month, 1 year contract,
之後renew 可取平至$2xx 頭的優惠價, see your bargaining power
and they have any special promotion at that period.
2006-12-12 2:25 am
2006-12-11 10:44 pm

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