急求 INTERVIEW 技巧 500字 (英文)

2006-12-11 7:40 pm
唔該 ....急切所需.....
用英文打 500字(英文)既 關於interview (重點 技巧 之類)

回答 (3)

2006-12-11 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Improving your interview performance

First Impressions

Dress to impress – be well groomed and dress appropriately to reflect the business image you wish to project.
Arrive at the reception 10 minutes before the time.
Greet the interviewer enthusiastically and shake his/her hands firmly.
Panel Interview

If there is more than one interviewer, you should:

Smile and shake hands with all the interviewers at the beginning and at the end of the interview
Focus on the person who is speaking
Look at each of the interviewer when you are speaking
Body Languages

Sit upright and comfortably, but never sprawl all over the chair.
Listen attentively and do not look bored.
Eye contact -- make it frequent and sustained
Elements of Good Answers

Keep the answers brief, informative and to the point.
Use action words such as “achieved, managed, improved, developed, established, improved, resolved, trained, and determined” in your answers.
Be prepared for prejudice and use positives to override employer’s concern
Play Down Shortcomings

Moves have been recent – give specific and positive reasons
No local experience – stress relevance of qualification/experience to the local market and local connection of previous employers
Dissatisfaction with current company and position – be positive, never badmouth your current or previous employers
Closing Techniques

A positive close can sometimes rescue an otherwise average interview performance:

Two MUST ASK questions:
Is there any other question that you want to know about me to offer me a job?
What is the next step in the decision cycle?
Do not ask questions about salary during the initial interviews
Draw attention to the relevant skills and experience
Hope to be given the opportunity to contribute to the company
Thank the interviewer for the meeting

Many times, a single interview question serves to evaluate multiple attributes of a candidate. The following are questions frequently asked during interviews:

General Information

Tell me about yourself
Please walk me through your resume
What are the most important areas of your current job?
What interests you most about a job offer?
Why have you been out of work for so long?
How does your xxx degree help you perform in this job?
Do you have any preferences of target companies? Why?
What are your position preferences?
What are the companies that you have gone for interviews in the past year? What were the positions? Reasons for failure?

Presentation Skill

How does your current job relate to the overall goals of your division and your company?
Describe a typical workday.
How do you feel speaking in public or to a group of people?
Please describe a recent experience of public or group speaking? What was the situation and how did it go? What would you have done differently?
Give me five reasons why a company should hire you?
Communication Skill

What have you learnt at your current company?
Would you rather write a report or make a verbal report? Why?
What is the extent of your participation in major reports or analysis that have to be written?
What is the worst communication problem you have experienced?
Tell me about preparation for, and results of, the regular meetings you have conducted.
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2006-12-11 8:04 pm
Equip Yourself Well for Interviews

Sooner or later, your effort in self-marketing will result in an invitation to an interview. As soon as you get this piece of good news, write down the following interview information on your notebook:

•date and time
•who you will see
•exact address and directions for finding the venue
If you are unsure how to get there, make a trial run a day or two before. This will spare you the additional stress and panic that getting lost brings.
•telephone number
Remember it is a basic courtesy to call the interviewer in case you are late or are unable to keep the appointment.

Before the interview

1.Company information search
Do research and learn as much as you can about the company, so that you will be able to speak knowledgeably during the interview. Refer to Job Search Guide 8 for ways of doing a thorough search.

2.Self review
Review your résumé, so that you can talk about your qualifications with ease. Contemplate why this employer should hire you, based on your experience and personal traits. Decide what information is relevant to this job. Consider what the employer is looking for in an employee. Do you match up with that?

3.Preparation for interview questions
Think ahead of difficult questions you might be asked, and have your answers ready. Refer to the past interview questions available at Career Center and the attached interview questions, List A: "Questions Frequently Asked in Job Interviews." Prepare a few questions to ask the employer. This will show that you are informed, interested and that you put thoughts into applying for this position. Refer to the attached List B, "Questions You Can Ask in a Job Interview".

On the interview day

1.Basics of dressing
Your dressing should be appropriate to the job you are applying for. It is better to look a little too formal than too casual. Keep your style simple--no extremes! All clothing should be clean and freshly ironed.

2.Punctuality, body language and manner
Allow a generous amount of time for the interview. Arrive at least ten minutes earlier. Smile! Be pleasant, courteous and sincere with everyone in the office--even the receptionist. Be ready to shake hands with the employer (if he/ she offers) at both the beginning and the end of the interview. Maintain natural eye contact as much as you can. Don't sit down until you are offered a seat.

3.Listening and responding
Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying to find out as much as possible about the job for which you are applying. Don't be afraid to ask him/ her to rephrase a question you do not understand. If you need a few seconds to think about an unexpected or difficult question, ask for it politely. Point out connections between your capabilities and the employer's needs throughout the interview. Keep your answers clear, precise and concise. Don't agree with the interviewer on a major point if you honestly do not agree.

4.Making impression
If you get the impression that the interview is not going well, don't let your discouragement show. Do not discuss salary and benefits during the first interview. If you are interested in the position, say so clearly and sincerely. Be alert for signs that the interview is about to end. Be prepared to thank the interviewer and sincerely shake hands. Ask when you will receive a reply.
參考: summary

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