
2006-12-11 6:38 pm

回答 (9)

2006-12-11 6:55 pm
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參考: 自己
2006-12-28 7:33 am

抵擋上帝的人一直將上帝的慈愛當作放縱的藉口。 可是, 凡事都有定期,寛容始終會有盡頭的一天,報應和審判會接踵而來。

2006-12-12 9:03 am




參考: 自己的想法
2006-12-12 6:46 am


2006-12-12 12:03 am
2006-12-11 8:01 pm
Old Testament talks about things happened before Jesus Christ was born (including the prophecy of the birth of Jesus) and the New Testament talks about things happened after the birth of Jesus.

The Old Testament gives us a rich historical background. For example, the creation of the world, how the nation of the Jewish people started, the division of the kingdom and how it ended. In this period of time, lots of important things happaned and lots of important people appeared.

The Old Testament also gives us background information of some important laws or rules such as the Ten Commandments, circumcision and etc.

As a result, the Old Testament can never be a 負資產 of Christianity. Rather, it is more than essential to us.

I am not sure what particular 耶和華如何嗜殺等負面內容 you shared with the Christians you know. Is it the flood? The destruction of Sedom and Gomorrah? The ten punishments for the Egyptians?

I think the reason why those Christians ask you to refer to the New Testament because Jesus Christ died for us in the New Testament time and afterward. Jesus is here to complete the law. It would be harder for you to see the love of God in the Old Testament because you think what God did was very brutal. Now that you read that God became one of us, be among us, and experience with us, it should be easier for you to see the love of God.

Afterall, you didn't say that the Christians you have talked to tell you not to read the Old Testament, they only asked you to read the New Testament. After you gain a better understand of what the Christian faith is based on, it is essential to read the Old Testament. I have never heard from any Christian of any church that people should abandon the Old Testament. If they tell you to throw the Old Testament away, watch out, they maybe cults.

Regardless, if you think carefully, telling you to read the New Testament wouldn't make the Old Testament a 負資產 of Christianity. You can go back to the Old Testament anytime you want. Personally, I love the Old Testament. It gives me so much background information and it helps me to understand God better.

Best of luck.
2006-12-11 7:51 pm






2006-12-12 01:33:09 補充:
回答者 :christianverydog [小學級 5 級]所以在舊約中耶和華的所作不是沒有理由和道理的.Q3,請問你基督徒是否支持死刑呢?你咁講神可以隨便殺非基督徒吧?你話人一開始就有罪,因此神殺人就有大條道理. 首先我很多謝你的提問.Q3,不知閣下你又是否支持"死刑"呢?首先我個人認為"基督徒是否支持死刑"這個問題是屬於個人立場的問題,上帝造人其中一特別之處就是---人有自己的自由意識,屬於自己的思想,所以不同的基督徒對"死刑有不同的看法,不能一概而論.

2006-12-12 01:34:21 補充:

2006-12-12 01:35:08 補充:
不要忘記世上有正亦有邪,[即有聖靈(神)也會有邪靈(魔鬼)], 約 10:10 盜 賊 (魔鬼)來 、 無 非 要 偷 竊 、 殺 害 、 毀 壞 . 我 (耶穌)來 了 、 是 要 叫 羊 〔 或 作 人 〕 得 生 命 、 並 且 得 的 更 豐 盛 。但又不是極端地說"非基督徒"的生命是神奪去或是魔鬼奪去,就如以上提及的自由,容許我誇張舉例,你可以一日三餐全吃高油,鹽,糖的食物,日日8杯酒,這是你的自由,最後不用說也會猜到結果.故此不應斷言說"神可以隨便殺非基督徒".

2006-12-12 01:40:44 補充:
"你話人一開始就有罪,因此神殺人就有大條道理."你的問題是指人自從墮落後即有罪,因此神可以隨便奪去人的生命麼?正如 回答者 :GOGO聖兵 [中學級 5 級]所說的,神是有給機會人去回轉的,如果神真的如你所說那樣"大條道理",我想早就已經世界末日了......

2006-12-12 01:41:29 補充:
只是神今天仍然給我們機會, 彼後 3:9 主 所 應 許 的 尚 未 成 就 、 有 人 以 為 他 是 耽 延 . 其 實 不 是 耽 延 、 乃 是 寬 容 你 們 、 不 願 有 一 人 沉 淪 、 乃 願 人 人 都 悔 改 。 而且耶穌在二千年前己說天國近了,那麼時至今天不是更近了麼?不要理所當然的想像自己可以百年歸老,因為馬 太 24:36 但 那 日 子 、 那 時 辰 、 沒 有 人 知 道 、 連 天 上 的 使 者 也 不 知 道 、 子 也 不 知 道 、 惟 獨 父 知 道 。

2006-12-12 01:44:08 補充:
2006-12-11 7:47 pm
I need to say that my attempt to reply is only a reply with limited rationality and understanding of the Truth, but I still hope you don't mind it's in English and the attempt can give you some help. Thank you for your attention.

We need to understand that God is the same one for both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We can't just ignore either testament in understanding God through the Bible. The OT is the prophecy for the NT while the NT makes the OT come true. (舊約預言新約,新約應驗舊約) However, superficially, it seems God is far more merciful in the NT than the OT. He instructed Israelites to extinguish Cannanites, angels to kill the first born in Egypt and something similar. Why is it so?

First of all, we need to understand mankind's position. Every mankind was condemned to death (Roman 3:20) and received judgment by God. No matter how a man loses his life, he just dies due to His permission, but not His will (we must admit that our lives are spared many times by Him). The only man that died by His will is Jesus Christ (refer to 1 Peter 1:5 or nearby). He has the right to let mankind die (by illness, murder, suicide, etc.) God and mankind have qualitative differences.

Secondly, God is still merciful even it looks like He killed lots of people. Other than reasons of mankind's position, some people's sins are also accountable for their own death. Cannanites, who resided in Palestine before Moses and Joshua led the Israelites to move in, are very immoral people even in present kind of moral standard. Their religious ceremonies and rituals included sexual intercourse between all participants, and you can imagine how potential severe diseases would probably spread not only to Israelites but all other people. In short, Cannanites are dangerous both in moral and health senses.

If we think God is cruel, we would fall into a faulty pre-requisite that mankind is innocent. I, you and all others are all not innocent. Everyone can't tell others that s/he is innocent when what s/he has done is shown to them. Mass media have been somewhat used by some TV animation and manga producers to spread their own thinking. One thought is that good and evil is a balance, and another is that god can be deposed by mankind when "god is wrong". It is absolutely not a Biblical thinking, and we need to be cautious for every thought in the world.

Last but not least, God must be merciful because He doesn't kill us when we doubt, and He doesn't kill non-Christians when they blame at Him. It doesn't mean He is powerless to kill but because He's waiting for our repentance. Remember, protesters of God are all contradictory in their arguments, otherwise God can't say He's the Spirit of the Truth.

2006-12-11 11:50:16 補充:
Many protesters of God say God is cruel and ruthless, but by observation, we'll see it's those protesters who lack the virtue of love. So, just ignore those "protests" with a laughter.
2006-12-11 6:51 pm
hey there!
following Jerome's Veritas Hebraica, the protestant Old Testament consists of the same books as the Tanakh, but the order and numbering of the books are different. Okay,,,like...protestant's number the Old Testament books at 39, while the Jews number the same books as 24. this is because the Jews consider Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles to form one book each, group the 12 minor prophets into one book, and also consider Ezra and Nehemiah a single book. the Roman Catholic, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox include books removed by Martin Luther, called the deuterocanonical books, which Protestants exclude as apocryphal. the basis for these books is found in the early Koine Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible. This translation was widely used by the Early Christians and is the one most often quoted (300 of 350 quotations including many of Jesus' own words) in the New Testament when it quotes the Old Testament.

So, to answer your question. THe New Testament is basically the finalized version of the old testament, don't get it wrong, they are still the same thing, mostly. The New Testament contains more things that the church wanted you to learn, thats why everybody used the New one.
參考: Me, M.A.Phil., UCSD.

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