"introductory phrase" 的中文名稱

2006-12-11 6:01 pm
"introductory phrase" 的中文名稱是什麼?

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"introductory phrase" = 引導式片語

For instance, begin some with the subject while you begin others with an introductory phrase or introductory clause. ... 以下三句正是用introductory phrase(引導式片語)展開,頓覺變化靈活,耳目一新。 In less than a year, I'll be dead. ...
edu.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/news/show_news_ f2.cgi?type=focus&name=education&id=1205616 - 77k -

begin some with the subject while you begin others with an introductory phrase or introductory clause. ... 現在繼續用金像獎名片的實際例句,剖析introductory phrase(引導式片語)展開句子寫法,好讓大家更加輕易掌握技巧竅門,日後用英文寫作, ...
www.singpao.com/20050706/feature/732782_main.html - 3k

Introductory Phrase -- A group of words that cannot stand alone found at the beginning of a sentence. example: Hoping to improve his writing, he never went to sleep before jotting down a page of random thoughts. ...
www.junketstudies.com/rulesofw/glossary.html - 12k -
2006-12-11 7:13 pm
I think you might want to consider using this - 介紹詞組

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