chat friend for english

2006-12-11 4:37 pm
那裡可找到native 的朋友,跟他聊天可學英文呢??用headphone & mic,thanks for answer!

回答 (3)

2006-12-12 4:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Download PaltalkMessenger
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2006-12-11 5:04 pm
I don't know how old you are. Personally I do not encourage younger people to meet strangers on the internet. I am raised in Canada so the majority of the people I know are native English speakers. The thing is, what dialect of English do u want to learn? Canadian? Northern or Southern American? London or British English? Australian English? Even though we all speak English, we have slighty different pronunciation in some phoemes and may not use the same set of vocab. (It's just like Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong and the Mainland) I have visited Hong Kong and I know that there are many foreigners in Hong Kong. Maybe you can find a friend in those "international schools". My cousin in Hong Kong has a teacher who is a native English speakers in her school. Or even just pratice English with your Filipino house maid. They are very educated. (The one I had when I lived in Hong Kong was actually a nurse when she was in Philippine!) But seriously, no one on this earth can claim themselves to be the most perfect English speaker because English has became very diverse. Language is a medium for communication so as long as your English is understandable, it's fine, no need to be self-conscious.
2006-12-11 4:55 pm
你可以去yahoo聊天室內找一些native 的朋友跟他聊天

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