
2006-12-11 11:13 am


回答 (2)

2006-12-11 11:50 am
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My sister the friend went to open that eyes, later on he saw many ghost anywhere. Day by day he felt scare. And then he could not sleep well, ate well. Later on he asked the teacher closed it. But even it is closed, he always feel afraid and uncomfortable. And then he need to see doctor. I heard that he is better but he says never try it again.
Later on, he visit the teacher again, the teacher says have few kind ways for open the eyes, there has other one, but not anybody the body can learn, this is you will not see the ghost, but you will see what kind of sick inside body of the person. And you also can see the under wear of the people. The teacher is very seriously to chose one or two people to teach, not anybody the teacher will teach. And the one who learn it also need to learn some about any part of the body inside. What kind of eyes will you open? If you really success open the eyes to learn how to see what happen inside body, please help me to see what sick I have inside. Hope you success and hope after you success free to help me. Good Luck. (Before open the eyes need to training....)
2006-12-11 11:36 am

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