
2006-12-11 9:30 am
想請問中國東方航空飛歐洲線, 可以嗎?
因本人下個星期會坐東航經上海去倫敦, 但據聞此航空公司經常 delay, 好擔心
如果有人對此航空公司有經歷或意見, 請告知!
1) 食物質素
2) 服務質素
3) 安全記錄

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
For China Eastern Airlines Shanghai-London flight, it is scheduled to use A340-600 although sometimes it could change to A340-300...
Having only got 10 A340 in their fleet and many long-haul routes which require A340... There would be very possible a knock-on effect if a A340 flight into Shanghai is being delayed... At the same time, since there are always so random reason which China Government decide to close the airport for hours, this could cause a delay as well... So regarding to the delays, some of the time, it is not up to the airlines... As airlines like DragonAir experience huge delay on Shanghai route due to the same reason as well...
Having said that, their meals are loaded from Shanghai which quality is not too bad... Personally opinion I think their meal taste pretty good... However, although this is a long-haul flight to Europe, dont expect that the crew can speak prefect English, so communicate with them in Mandrian maybe a better idea if its a chinese crew who you talk to... But their services are pretty fair, but please dont compare it with airlines like Cathay Pacific or Singapore Airlines... And if you are the type of people who cannot sleep in a aircraft, then bring a book along with you... Since there is no PTV and you may wish to read rather than watching those overhead TV...
Regarding to their safety, China Eastern Airlines is relatively safe and their aircraft are very new as well using these A340 which oldest still havent reach 10years old yet and youngest only being around 2years old...
2006-12-11 9:38 am
你都book左機票囉,得唔得都要飛ga la
參考: myself

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