Plan for a trip to Australia in early April

2006-12-11 9:01 am
I want to go to Australia in early April. I want to go to Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Goldcoast and Cairns. I have 12 days holiday. Is that possible to go to all these cities? By the way, I can drive. Can I drive to all these cities only by car? Or just go by plane and visit the tourist attractions by car?

回答 (2)

2006-12-12 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
澳洲其實係一個好大既國家... 城市間的距離唔係想像中咁細的...
柏斯去墨爾本揸車要幾日的... 墨爾本去悉尼要 8 小時, 悉尼去 gold coast 最快 8 小時, 而 gold coast 上 cairns 更要 2 日... 所以如果唔想假期係車箱內渡過, 最好都係搭飛機... 當然 Melbourne -- Sydney -- Gold Coast 就可以揸車過下癮, 但澳洲租車油費都一樣唔平, 冇咩著數. 如果得 1 - 2 人更可以貴過飛機的...

Day 1: Hong Kong -- Perth
Day 2: Perth
Day 3: Perth -- Melbourne (by plane)
Day 4: Melbourne
Day 5: Melbourne
Day 6: Melbourne -- Sydney (by plane)
Day 7: Sydney
Day 8: Sydney -- Gold Coast (by plane)
Day 9: Gold Coast
Day 10: Gold Coast -- Cairns (by plane)
Day 11: Cairns
Day 12: Cairns -- Hong Kong
有冇覺得好似走難??? 睇黎雖然減返一至兩個地方了, 否則你似灼搭飛機多過旅行...
2006-12-11 11:08 pm
You can do your holiday my car quite comfortably travelling from Melbourne to Cairns via Sydney and Goldcoast. Perth is out of the question. I have done Cairns to Whitsunday, Brisbane (went North to Sunshine coast first before going South) to Sydney, Melbourne to Syndey those 3 trips. Each trip spent about 3 - 5 days. Of course I did it leisurely, took the scenic route and stop at the attractions.

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