過年去雲南麗江5-6日, 問行程和住宿

2006-12-11 8:47 am
過年打算兩個人去雲南, 因為得5-6 日, 所以諗住都係去麗江(定仲有時間去第二度??) . 聽聞應該住客棧而唔好住酒店. 大家有冇咩客棧推介呢? 價錢怎樣? 因為新年我諗會好旺, 所以想book定先. 但講真, 酒店我就知點book, 客棧我真係唔知, 請賜教.

我打算深圳上機去昆明, 咁我應該點去麗江呢? 要坐幾耐車?

我而家都係plan緊行程, 因為budget有限, 最煩惱就係交通同住宿, 請多多指教.

回答 (1)

2006-12-11 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if u want to join 6天昆明 大理 麗江, never join Morning STXX !!
You will reach 昆明 for 2 days then spend 4-5 hrs travel to 大理 ( by bus ) stay 1 day , then spend 4-5 hrs to 麗江 (by bus ) stay 1 day . then go back to 大理 by bus (stay 1 day ) , finally , go back to 昆明 .

you spend at least 4 hrs for bus travelling everyday !!

昆明 大理 麗江 are all very beautiful city .
pls ask for the details from the travel agent and dont spend too much time on travelling .
參考: my experience

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