Have KMB provide ifluenza vaccine to its drivers and how ?

2006-12-11 8:26 am
I'm a master student and need to write a proposal of health promotion , I want to promote influenza vaccine to KMB driver because they always work in crowded compartment, they easily get influenza and influenza will lead them discomfort, unable to concentrate at driving, road safety is then not promised. I really want to know whether KMB provides vaccine for its drivers and how to arrange them for vaccination.

回答 (2)

2006-12-15 11:58 pm
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I think the KMB did not provides vaccine for its drivers,
every driver need to take the vaccine by themselves.
But KMB claim that they have provide the body check service for the driver.
It make sure that the driver is in the good body condition while working.
If the driver is not passing the body check, KMB said that the driver will not be allowed for work.
(considering the safty of the passenger)
2006-12-16 12:00 am
I also agree that the KMB did not provides vaccine for its drivers.

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