surname&last name.................

2006-12-11 7:21 am
surname&last name>>>>>>>>>>>>>佢地有咩分別呀??

回答 (6)

2006-12-11 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
係外國 例如 你本身個中文名係 chan ka man
你個surname會係 chan..
而last name 同 surname 係一樣 .
係因為 有時人地會分 first name同 last name ,. 但係係一樣的
2006-12-13 5:50 am
They are the same, surname is British English, and last name is American English.
2006-12-11 10:54 am
basically surname同lastname係一樣架喎.

睇下d人點用.有d人鐘意用last name.有d人鐘意surname.
齊都有人鐘意話second name架.
2006-12-11 7:25 am
surname and last name are the same...

2006-12-10 23:26:21 補充:
e.g. john smiththe surname/ last name is smith. it can also be called family name.
2006-12-11 8:07 am
Surname is the father's name, which can be the last name for western people, but first name for Chinese and Japanese.
2006-12-13 10:09 am
Surname is the father's name
通常中文會譯成 "姓",

last name 就係 "名字"

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