2006-12-11 4:20 am
1.I always give them my advice and tell them____to do.
A.what B.how
2.I just get too much homework and I really do not know___to do.
A.what B.how
請幫幫小女忙,TAHNK YOU

回答 (8)

2006-12-13 6:32 am
兩個都是 what 是對的. 意義上亦確實可以用 how, 但看整句就知道不應該用 how, 原因其實另一為「呱啦」(希望我無睇錯佢名) 已道出了, 可能佢無直接說出所以發問者無選到, 其實他也是答對的而且時間上好像還要早些.
2006-12-11 5:56 am
正確的答案是: (你看完中文解釋便應該知道了)

1. 是 How
I always give them my advice and tell them HOW to do.

中文意思是: 我經常告訴他們我的提議和告訴他們怎樣去做. (How 在這裡解釋為怎樣)

2. 是 What
I just get too much home-work and I really do not know WHAT to do. (在這句的第三個字的 get 應該是got, 因為是剛得'到'或已得到, 現在進行式或過去式, 不會是現在式的get).
中文意思為: 我剛有了這麼多的家課作業和我真的不知道該做什麼好了. (因為只是多, 不是不知道或不識怎做, 所以便不應說 how to do).

what 解釋為什麼 例 : what did you say? 你說什麼?
how 解釋為如何 例 : how did you do that? 你如何做到那樣的?

2006-12-10 21:59:01 補充:
你在補充里說四个人之中還沒有人答對, 那就好像說你心中已有答案, 是嗎?
2006-12-11 5:55 am
兩個都係 how
1..I always give them my advice and tell them_how___to do
2I just get too much homework and I really do not know__ how_to do.

2006-12-10 21:59:56 補充:
2006-12-11 4:57 am
1 A
2 A
如果用how, 句子會變成︰
I always give them my advice and tell them how to do it.
I just get too much homework and I really do not know how to do it.
how to do it是怎樣做
what to do是該做什麼
2006-12-11 4:38 am
1.I always give them my advice and tell them____to do.
中文解释:我常常给他们劝告和告诉他们做甚么 ..
2.I just get too much homework and I really do not know___to do
 中文解释:我有很多功课和我不知道怎样做 ..

备注 :How 是问怎样; What是问甚么
   例如:How did you do in last evening ?
   即是问 "你上一个傍晚怎么样"? 即含"How are you?" "How do you do" 的意思;
   例如:What did you do in last evening?
   则是问 "你上一个傍晚做了些甚么"?

2006-12-10 20:41:05 補充:
對不起呀..第一題應該是B.HOW 中文解释:我常常给他们劝告和告诉他们應怎樣做.. ..
2006-12-11 4:29 am
1. I always give them my advice and tell them what to do.

2. I just get too much homework and I really do not know how to do.

what: 中文是怎麼,e.g. what to do: 怎麼做
how: 中文是如何, e.g. how to do: 如何做

2006-12-10 20:30:56 補充:
2006-12-11 4:24 am
1 what
2 how

2006-12-10 20:27:26 補充:
HOWad.1. (指方式,方法)怎樣,怎麼How did you climb to the top of that building?你是如何爬上樓頂的?conj.1. (用於間接陳述中,意義和作用與that相仿)This is how we became acquainted.我們就是這樣認識的。n.1. 方法,做法[the S]The book tells you about the how and the why of flight.這本書告訴你飛行的方法和原理。
2006-12-11 4:24 am
1) A.what

2) B.how

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