Econ production Q

2006-12-11 2:52 am
In order to cut expenses, Mr Wong reduces the monthly salaries of the staff working in the bookstore.

(i) Give ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage to Mr Wong of paying his staff
by time rate over piece rate.

(ii) Explain whether the real income of his staff would necessarily fall furing deflation.

I want to know the answer of Q2, but no Q1, THZ for helping ...

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
(ii) The decrease in amount of salary is NOMINAL income. During the deflation, the price index at this moment will decrease as compared with that of last year. Eg the price index is now 95 and last year is 100. If the salary is decrease from $10,000 to $9,800, that means the nominal income is decrease by 2% or $200. When there is deflation (price index from 100 to 95), the REAL income is increase (0.98 / 0.95) by 3.15% even though the NOMINAL income is decrease by 2%.

So the decrease in NOMINAL income is not necessary decrease in REAL income during deflation. We need to compare it with the fall in price index / level.
2006-12-11 4:50 am
因為cut左salary, 佢地係數字黎講係少左, 但由於有deflation, 咁就要比較下減人工同deflation個幅度, 如果人工decrease多過deflation(以%計), 咁real income就下降, 反之就real income有機會上升

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