關於Four season的小提琴譜

2006-12-10 11:08 pm
小提琴four season的琴譜?

第一果個朋友仔 你係到話寄信比我咁就ok啦 一係你post上呢 唔洗咁煩

回答 (2)

2006-12-11 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
this internet have four seasons 既琴譜 :
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
The Italian composer and violinist Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice in 1678 and after his ordination in 1703 embarked on an intermittent career in the service of the Ospedale della Pietà, an institution for the education of orphan, illegitimate or indigent girls, an establishment with a formidable musical reputation. His later career brought involvement in opera. As a composer Vivaldi was prolific, with some 500 concertos to his credit, in addition to a quantity of works for the church and for the theatre. He left Venice in 1741 in the apparent hope of finding new patrons in Vienna, where he died shortly after his arrival in the city.

Church Music
The surviving church music of Vivaldi includes the well known Gloria, in addition to a number of settings of psalms and motets.

None of the fifty odd operas of Vivaldi remain in standard repertoire.

The most famous of all Vivaldi's concertos are I quattro stagioni (The Four Seasons), characteristic compositions to which the composer attached explanatory programmatic sonnets. These four concertos, for solo violin, string orchestra and harpsichord, form part of a collection Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'invenzione (The Contest of Harmony and Invention), one of seven collections of such compositions published in the composer's lifetime. In addition to concertos for solo violin, Vivaldi also wrote concertos for many other solo instruments, including the flute, oboe, bassoon, cello and viola d'amore, and for groups of solo instruments.

Chamber Music
Vivaldi wrote a number of sonatas and trio sonatas, many of them designed for one or two violins and basso continuo. He also wrote a series of chamber concertos, compositions similar in approach to the solo and multiple concertos, but scored for smaller groups of instruments.
2006-12-11 12:17 am
I have the scores . I've already send them to you .

2006-12-10 16:21:55 補充:
Give me your e-mail address so that I can send " Four Seasons ' to you .

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