
2006-12-10 8:53 pm
我23號要搞一個聖誕party呀, 人數約15人到,地方有室內1千呎到,有d咩遊樂可以玩?同埋個流程應該係點.我一d經驗都冇架,希望各位多多幫忙!謝。

回答 (3)

2006-12-10 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) welcome your friends
2) have some food and drinks
3) play some games ( Truth or Dare )
4) sing songs or dancing
5) have a competition ( going drama )

2006-12-10 13:08:53 補充:
5) have a competition ( doing drama ) ( you may give the prize )6) exchanged presents
2006-12-10 9:06 pm
1. Decerate the room (colourfully)
2. play some games like, hot potato (very fun ga!)
3. buy some presents for the games

thx me!
2006-12-10 9:00 pm

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